
1 In my countury should own my house before marry, so have a house it is very importmant in everyone heart.

2 if you have a car, your life became convenience. for example in weekends you can go anywhere by car with your family.

3 It is just my inclination. I am attention taker, so I need adult men.
4 I think a man who has a good job is rich and high on the social ladder.
5 I like kind man.
6 have money is very importmant for your life. it can buy you want thing and use for your child education and bring up.

6 件のコメント:

  1. I think your blog is very funny. The man who have money and car is convenient for me. Moreover, If the person had kind, I would happy.

  2. Hi!! I can `t agree with more. Yeah money is the most important thing, i think. Because I have to bring up my children.

  3. Hi,
    It is interesting that you think kind is less impotant than having a car! Also, you do not care his appearance at all, right? That is amazing!!

  4. Hello!!
    It is very interesting!!!
    You' are very realistic☆
    It's very important, I think!!

  5. I think that house is very important!!
    We can memorize many memories and house loves and family's loves♪
    It is important for you to have stable life.
    Did you see my graph?

    My graph is very unreality, so you may not like it...

  6. Hi lemon,
    Is it true that having a house is the most inportant? It's so interesting answer for me.
    If they couldn't get married, are they live alone?
